Gewinne eines von drei Botano Paketen

Wir freuen uns, dass wir diese vollgepackten Pakete von Botano an 3 glückliche Gewinner unter Euch verlosen dürfen. Jedes Paket enthält eine Auswahl an wohltuenden Tees, feinen Gewürzen, kretischem Honig und Bio-Olivenöl aus eigenem Anbau sowie tollen Kosmetik Produkten.

Erster Preis

Red Cast Iron Teapot with Strainer (800ml) + Biodynamic Olive Oil, Botano Cultivation + Soap with Chamomile & Calendula + Soap with Honey & Thyme + Soap with Olive Oil + Soap with Citrus Essential Oils + Lemon Sea Salt + Alien Sea Salt + Sea Salt with Cretan Herbs + Spicy Flavoured Sea Salt + Smoked Sea Salt + ‘Greek Salad’ spice mix + ‘Thessaloniki’ Gewürzmischung + ‘All Purpose’ spice mix + ‘Grandma’s’ spice mix + Thyme Honey + Oak Honey + Organic Greek Tahini Paste (whole grain) + ‘Botano’ Traditional Handmade Beeswax Cream + Tiger balm with CBD oil + Infused Oil with Basil – Infused Oil with Thyme + ‘Cretan Blend’ Herbal Mix + ‘Mountain Star’ Herbal Mix + Fruit Ice Tea + ‘Botano’ Cold Tea + ‘Immune System’ Herbal Mix + ‘Cretan Summer Tea’ Herbal Mix + ‘Love of Life’ Herbal Mix + Cretan Mountain Tea (Malotiras) + Cretan Artemisia Annua + Cretan Oregano + Cretan Thyme + Sweet Paprika Florinis

Zweiter Preis

Biodynamic Olive Oil, Botano Cultivation + Oak Honey + Thyme Honey + ‘Botano’ Traditional Handmade Beeswax Cream + Soap with Olive Oil + Soap with Honey & Thyme + Soap with Citrus Essential Oils + Lemon Sea Salt + Sweet Paprika Florinis + ‘All Purpose’ spice mix + Cretan Oregano + Cretan Thyme + ‘Cretan Summer Tea’ Herbal Mix + ‘Mountain Star’ Herbal Mix + ‘Cretan Blend’ Herbal Mix + Cretan Artemisia Annua + ‘Immune System’ Herbal Mix + ‘Love of Life’ Herbal Mix + Infused Oil with Garlic

Dritter Preis

Biodynamic Olive Oil, Botano Cultivation + Oak Honey + Thyme Honey  + ‘Botano’ Traditional Handmade Beeswax Cream + Soap with Olive Oil + Soap with Honey & Thyme + Lemon Sea Salt – Sweet Paprika Florinis + ‘All Purpose’ spice mix  + Cretan Oregano – Cretan Thyme + ‘Cretan Summer Tea’ Herbal Mix + ‘Mountain Star’ Herbal Mix + ‘Cretan Blend’ Herbal Mix + Cretan Artemisia Annua + ‘Immune System’ Herbal Mix

Für mehr Informationen zu Botano und zur Philosophie von Inhaber Yannis Giannoutsos und seinem Team, lies unseren letzten Blogbeitrag.


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